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Research Article | Volume 1 Issue 1 (Jan-Dec, 2024) | Pages 1 - 8
Consumer Buying Behaviour: Selection of Fashion Apparels
Assistant Professor (Management), Tirpude Institute of Management Education, Nagpur.
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration and Research, Shri. Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon.
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
July 28, 2024
Aug. 13, 2024
Aug. 31, 2024
Sept. 3, 2024

The fashion sector is one that is expanding quickly worldwide these days. India's fashion sector is currently seen as dynamic. Retail companies face a variety of marketing issues as a result of growing competitiveness, globalization, and the short lifespan of clothing in the fashion retail industry. In the global marketplace, the fashion garment sector has expanded in diversity due to fashion brands, personalization, advertising, and ethnicity. Fashion apparel producers and retailers can enhance their ability to attract and retain their target consumer group by being able to understand the preferences of their customers. Consequently, the current study's goal is to look at how people purchase fashion clothes. Although the literature has extensively covered the various dimensions of research on buying intentions, this study helps to strengthen the role of manufacturers and retailers in influencing purchase intentions among Indian consumers by examining factors such as value and status, price sensitivity, and many other brands.


For the last few decades the fashion industry in India is experiencing a boom due to increasing consciousness for fashion among Indians.To survive in this industry, it is necessary for manufacturers and retailers to develop effective marketing strategies. It has been noticed that the fashion apparel market has been extremely influenced by fashion trends in India.

Western influence is still very much present in the purchasing habits of Indian middle-class and upper-class urban consumers, particularly among ladies. Positive attitudes of Western trends are on the rise. According to him, Indian consumers are now far more adventurous and open-minded. In India, consumers are becoming accepting of foreign brands. Fashion is a multibillion dollar sector that employs millions of people worldwide, not just in developing nations. The fast changes in this ecosystem have a significant impact on customers.


Types of Consumers Buying Behaviour:

  1. Complex buying behavior:

This kind of behavior is frequently seen when buyers purchase a pricey, desirable, and infrequently purchased item. When making a high-value investment, consumers conduct extensive research and are quite involved in the process. Consider purchasing an expensive vehicle, home, or haute couture clothing as examples of sophisticated purchasing behaviors.


2.       Dissonance-reducing buying behavior:

This kind of consumer participates heavily in the purchasing process, however occasionally they have trouble telling one brand from another. "Dissonance" might happen when a customer believes they will later regret their decision. Let's say someone decides to purchase a lawnmower. Price and convenience will play a role in decision-making, but once a purchase is done, one will look for assurance that they made the best option.


3.       Habitual buying behavior:

The consumer's minimal involvement in the product or brand category distinguishes habitual purchases, as they are made frequently and out of habit. For instance, when it comes to grocery shopping, one tends to buy the same preferred items routinely without exhibiting strong brand loyalty.


4.       Variety seeking behavior:

A consumer engages in this behavior when they buy a new product not out of dissatisfaction with the previous one, but because they enjoy trying new things and seeking variety. For instance, when experimenting with different scents of shower gel.


Factors that Influence Consumer Buying Behavior:

  1. Psychological Factors:

Numerous psychological elements influence consumers' purchasing decisions in significant ways. For instance, sellers and marketers must understand how certain elements, such as whether people are more likely to base their purchases on needs than wants, affect consumer behavior.

2.       Personal Factors:

Personal factors—basically, a person's gender and culture—as well as their comprehension of how a product can be used to solve a problem—for instance, how microwave-safe food containers can help with meal preparation—have been shown to influence the goods and services that customers choose to purchase.

3.       Marketing Campaigns:

Marketing initiatives significantly change consumers' decisions to buy. When executed well and consistently, along with the appropriate marketing message, they have the power to influence consumers to switch brands or choose more costly substitutes. As an illustration, Facebook advertisements for online retailers can also serve as reminders for goods and services that consumers may not always think to purchase on a regular basis. Impulsive purchases might be influenced by a compelling marketing message.

4.       Economic Conditions:

When the consumer is buying an expensive products especially economic conditions play a huge part. A kind of positive economic environment is known to make consumers more confident, strong and willing to engage in purchases irrespective of their financial liabilities.

5.  Customer Behavior Patterns:

It is commonly noted that purchasing habits and behavior patterns differ. While every customer has a unique purchasing habit, there are collective buying patterns that provide marketers with a unique character. It is possible to classify patterns of customer behavior.


Literature Review:

Pandian, Varathani, Keerthivasan (2012) this study reveals that Raymond, Peter England, and John player remains the top three brands preferred by the respondents. It is clear that most of the shoppers of men’s branded shirts were highly influenced by the factors such as durability, reference groups, wider choice of color and design, attractiveness, price range and celebrity endorser. Most of the customers are expecting reduced price and wider choice of color and design.

Rajput, N., Kesharwani, S. & Khanna, A. (2012) this article defines that the Modern era provides high quality materials and lot of variety in Indian garment market to satisfy the desire of customers. The customers are utilizing the opportunity too. The results confirm that Indian people have become highly brand conscious presently. Hence, brand image is a not a significant factor in choosing the product or brand to buy. There are other aspects like, quality, comfort, expectations and demographic characteristics are also influence to the purchasing decision that dominate the purchase decision of males and females.

Vikkraman and Sumathi (2012) this study conducted on Indian apparel market revealed that Indian consumers perceived emotional value and clothing interest are the significant positive antecedents of purchase intentions toward global and local brands. The significant influence of self-concept on need for uniqueness indicates that the Indian consumers with high self-concept neither wish to be different from others nor wish to fit in with others and also that Indian consumers may consider their self-concept and need to be unique to express their ‘individuality’. Significant impact of clothing interest on perceived quality and emotional value of global brands revealed Indian consumers’ preference for global brands because of the status symbols and strong perception of foreign brands which was not found in local brands.

Nirbhan Singh, R. (2013) Clothing is an important part of women’s life and plays a major role in building the female identity and status. Cloths help the women to enhance their confidence and strengthen their self-esteem. Clothing is referred to as specialty good since consumers often make an effort for seeking out the garment that they require. Most of the female focus on product attributes, fashion trends and other factors related to social or psychological needs of the


customer. These characteristics help them to choose their cloths according to their preference and it also suits with tradition and culture.

Syed Ahamed. S, Dr A. Ravi (2022) have concluded that Consumers shop for various reasons. Men prefer brands for various reasons especially for garments. They choose product by collecting information or an overview of the products according to latest trends. Consumers differ according to their shopping frequency and buy the products which satisfy their needs. Brand is a perceived image that resides in the minds of consumers. Thus purchase of products influence by brands, purchase habit, personality, social, marketing. And the study tells that the consumers prefer branded dresses and so the manufacturer should focus on design, style, comfortable etc.

MohanrajPalanisamy (2019) this study identifies the purchase preference on apparel brands in Chennai malls. Purchase preferences towards apparel industry among the respondents were considered based on the General shopping pattern, Shopping frequency, Amount spent on apparels, Brand awareness, Category of Clothing to be purchased, Satisfaction, Shopping experience and Brand name. Towards identifying the purchase preferences 250 questionnaires were distributed among the respondents in a shopping mall that has been randomly selected, of which 238 (95.2%) were responded. The study indicates that there exists uniform shopping pattern among the respondents. Further the respondents are familiar with brand awareness programs. There exists clear opinion on category of the clothing to be purchased and the brand name since they have shopping experiences. There exists satisfaction over purchase preference.


Objectives of the Study:

  1. To find out the level of brand awareness among consumers in the apparel industry.
  2. To find out factors influencing consumers’ buying behavior of
  3. To find out whether brand value influences buying


Research Methodology:

Need of Study

In today's era, India is characterized by a focus on fashion and modernity. The desire to appear stylish is widespread among the population. With increased purchasing power and literacy rates, consumers are more inclined to stay updated with the latest clothing trends and are now capable of investing in expensive branded clothing to achieve a stylish look. There is a notable inclination towards branded clothing over unbranded items among consumers. This prompts the need to investigate the factors that influence consumer preference for branded clothing and the brands that are most commonly favored.


Scope of Study

The aim of the proposed research is to examine the elements influencing the process of making buying decisions. The study will focus on consumers aged between 24 and 50 years. Participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire. This research will specifically concentrate on Nagpur city; however, it has the potential to be expanded to other cities and regions across the country.


Limitation of the Study

This study is limited by its size and the constrained amount of time available for it. It can only examine certain aspects and analyze them to a specific depth in this research. With regards to the sample size, the study will concentrate on a specific market niche: the fashion industry.


Research Design

The research design used for this study is of the explorative type.


Research Sampling

The study would cover the consumers taste and preference towards the branded apparels,  impact of promotional measures and buying patterns of consumer in Nagpur city.

Population: Consumerswhohavepurchased clothesinNagpurcity.

Sample Size: Sampling sizeforthisstudy is 200.

Sampling Technique: Adopted convenient sampling method. The survey has conducted intextiles / apparel shops &


exclusive garment showrooms and some college campuses andamongthegeneral public.


Statistical Tools

ANOVA: One-way analysis is used to test the buying pattern of the consumers in Nagpur City.



H0: Fashion plays a significant role in brand selection

H1: Fashion plays a significant Role in influencing the buying behaviour of consumer with respect to apparel.


Data Collection Method

Primary Method - Primary data has collected with the help of a globally accepted structured questionnaire, with apparel brand users and non-users.

Secondary Method – Secondary data collected from various sources such as books, journals, Magazines, Company reports, websites, etc.


Data Analysis and Interpretation:

Q1. Whilebuying, whichisthemostimportantfactoryouconsidered?









Place–Typeof store









From the study it is found that quality of the fashionable branded apparels is the mostimportant factor considered while buying. 45% says that quality should be best while buying fashion cloths. Priceis second factor (24%agrees) which most important consideration. 15% are respondents are saying that brand name or famous brand is themostimportant factor for buying fashionable garment.


Q2. Doeschangeinfashiontrendaffectyourpurchasingdecisionaboutapparels



No. ofrespondent



























Fromtheabovetable,itcanbeinferredthatamajorityoftherespondents(60.5%)eitherstrongly agree or agree that a change in fashion  trend affects their purchasing decision about apparel. Only a small percentage of respondents (29.5%) either disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. Addi tionally,10% of respondents neither agree nor disagree. It should be noted that this data is limited to the sample of 200 respondents and may notberepresentativeofthebroaderpopulation.Furtherresearchmaybenecessarytoconfirmthese findings.


Q3. WhatyourmostlikelinesswhencomestoFashion?
















The       people       are       using       fashionable      garments       as       certain       things       they       liked       most       about thefashion. As they prefer fashion as 27% says that they like fashionable branded cloth due to comfort it appealed. The good looking a pparelinfashionis another most likable thing 26% respondents agreed to that. 16% respondents are agreed that they like fashion due to itseasytowearnature.


Q4. Wheredoyougetinformationabouttrendandfashion?







TVshowand Movies




Shop window









Maximum number of respondents (40%) agreed that they got in information about fashionsfromTV showsandmovies. Also 29% respondents says that the internet is giving the information about the fashion, various social media or internet ads or youtube videos are giving information about fashion.11%re spondent says that celebrities are also given the information about fashion.


Hypothesis Testing

To test the hypothesis “Fashion plays a significant role in influencing the buying behaviour of customers with respect to apparels”, ANOVA test has been applied taking impact of fashion on buying behaviour as independent factor and buying preference as dependent factor.



























Since,theF-valueobtainedisgreaterthantheF-Criticalvaluetheimpactissaidtobesignificant. Hence, the hypothesis i.e “Fashion plays a significant role in influencing the buyingbehaviour of customers with respect to apparels” is accepted.


Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions Findings:

The findings of the study as follows


  • The maximum respondents are from west region of Nagpur
  • The maximum number of respondents belongs to the category of 18 to 25 years.
  • The survey was almost equal for male and
  • The maximum number of respondents are post graduate
  • Maximum number of respondents belong to the category of income up to 30000 per month
  • Almost all respondents had purchases apparels in the past 1 year and the maximum purchases had been from exclusive stores.
  • The kind of a apparel had been more categorised of casual wear and formal
  • The most important factor while purchasing is being quality as per
  • In quality, the design is the most important factor hence the importance of fashion is highlighted
  • However the average price per apparel mostly buys between range of 1000 to 2000.
  • It has been observed that the sales promotion plays important role and the most liked promotion policy is ‘Buy 1 get 1 or more free”
  • It is also seen that huge of people going for online
  • In online purchase the most influencing factor is price followed by promotion.
  • Research also reveals that the recommendations of family members are the
  • Generally knows the buying pattern of observed with reference to days however most of done on weekends
  • Comfort remains strongest point with reference to
  • People are mostly influence by TV shows and movies with respect to fashion trends



  • It is a complicated process for consumers to purchase

There is a strong correlation between fashion and branded apparel, and consumer purchasing behavior across all parameters that define fashion and branded apparel continues to be the highest spenders. The testing of hypothesis testing makes this clear.

  • It has also been noted that fashion significantly influences consumers' purchasing decisions regarding clothing.



  1. Customers have been known to compare prices and quality, so designers and marketers need to make sure their products are both affordable and of high
  2. According to research, the comfort wear apparels should fall between the price range 1000 and 2000.
  3. To encourage more people to shop online, internet marketers can use fresh and creative approaches to their marketing
  4. Internet marketers should think about including comparable images of real products on their Adding a large range of product brands to a single shopping website is advised.
  5. As per our observations people are visiting Multibranded stores, Exclusive stores and Independent unbranded stores for most of their So I suggest the new brands to showcase their products on these stores.
  6. Casual wear, Formal wear and Jeans are the most purchased items so in order to increase the sales, brand can introduce its products on these
  7. Buy 1 get 1 or more offers are most likely to catch the eye of customers so brand introducing such offers are more likely to get more
  8. Price and offers are the most affecting factors that influence the decision of an online It is advisable for a brand to build an online presence through social media marketing and focus more on price and offers.
  9. Location and bargaining facility are the most important factors that affect the decision of an offline So having a shop on the most popular streets and mall is advisable for the brands.
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