Advances in Consumer Research (Adv. Consum. Res.) welcomes submissions from scholars and practitioners in the fields of Business, Management, Accounting, Marketing, Economics, and Psychology. The journal publishes original research articles, review papers, conceptual papers, and case studies that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in consumer research.
1. Submission Guidelines
•Manuscript Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s online submission system. Authors must create an account and follow the step-by-step submission process. The manuscript should be uploaded in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
•Manuscript Length: There is no strict word limit, but authors are encouraged to be concise. Research articles should generally not exceed 8,000 words, including references, tables, and figures. Review articles may be longer but should remain within 10,000 words.
•Title Page: The title page should include the manuscript title, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s), and contact details for the corresponding author, including email address and phone number.
•Abstract: A structured abstract of 250-300 words is required, summarizing the research purpose, methods, key findings, and implications. Avoid references in the abstract.
•Keywords: Provide 4-6 keywords that encapsulate the main topics of the research.
•Article Structure:
•Introduction: Outline the research problem, objectives, and significance of the study.
•Literature Review: Provide a brief overview of relevant literature and theoretical frameworks.
•Methodology: Describe the research design, data collection, and analysis methods in detail.
•Results: Present the findings of the study with appropriate tables and figures.
•Discussion: Interpret the results, highlighting the implications for theory, practice, and future research.
•Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and suggest directions for future research.
•References: Use the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style, 7th edition. All references should be cited in the text and listed alphabetically in the reference section.
2. Formatting Guidelines
•Font: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font size for the main text.
•Margins: 1-inch margins on all sides.
•Spacing: Double-spacing throughout the manuscript, including references and footnotes.
•Headings: Use appropriate heading levels for sections and subsections (e.g., Heading 1, Heading 2).
•Tables and Figures: Insert tables and figures at the end of the manuscript or in separate files. Each table and figure must be referenced in the text, numbered consecutively, and include a descriptive caption.
3. Review Process
•Peer Review: All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process. The identities of both the reviewers and authors are concealed throughout the review process to ensure impartiality.
•Decision Notification: Authors will be notified of the editorial decision within 8-10 weeks after submission. Decisions may include acceptance, acceptance with minor revisions, major revisions, or rejection.
4. Ethical Considerations
•Plagiarism: The journal has a strict policy against plagiarism. Manuscripts submitted to Advances in Consumer Research must be original and not under consideration by any other journal. Authors must ensure that all work cited is properly attributed.
•Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the research findings or interpretation.
•Ethical Approval: For studies involving human participants, authors must include a statement confirming that the study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and received ethical approval from an appropriate review board.
5. Publication Fees
Advances in Consumer Research does charge of 300USD for publication fees. The journal is committed to open access, and all articles are freely available to the public without any cost to the authors.
6. Copyright and Licensing
•Copyright: Authors retain copyright of their work and grant the journal the right of first publication.
•Licensing: Articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing others to share and adapt the work with appropriate credit to the original authors.
7. Contact Information
For any queries or assistance with the submission process, please contact the editorial office at: