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Original Article | Volume 2 Issue 1 (Jan - Feb, 2025) | Pages 341 - 346
A Study of Customers’ Awareness and Satisfaction with Gold Jewellery in Hyderabad
Assistant Professor, Department of Finance & Marketing, Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Science, Vallurupalli Nageswara Rao Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology (VNR VJIET), Hyderabad.
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access

One of India's fastest-growing industries is the jewellery industry. The research looked into the amount of client preference for branded jewellery. The study's goal is to find out how much customers like branded jewellery and how satisfied they are with gold jewellery in Hyderabad. The study's goals are to investigate socioeconomic profiles and their perceptions of gold jewellery, the reasons for purchasing jewellery, the diversity in brand awareness preference for gold jewellery among respondents, and the level of satisfaction before and after purchasing gold jewellery. Primary and secondary sources are used to compile the data. A sample of 100 respondents was selected for the study using convenience sampling technique. Google Forms' online survey tools were used to conduct the study. Secondary data from journals, magazines, the internet, and other sources was also used by the researcher. Percentage analysis, correlation, paired t test, chi-square test, and Likert scale analysis are used to analyse the data. It can be determined that there is no significant association between respondents' educational qualifications and aspects such as price, branded quality, numerous kinds/models, and fast settlements/delivery when it comes to gold jewellery purchases. The most essential factors in choosing a branded store were price, branded quality, many varieties/models, and fast settlements/delivery

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