Author Instructions
Editorial Process
Review Process
Editorial Process

The editorial process for Advances in Consumer Research is designed to ensure that each submitted manuscript is handled with the utmost care, rigor, and transparency. This process involves multiple stages, from initial submission to final publication, and involves the collaborative effort of authors, editors, and reviewers.


1. Manuscript Submission


Online Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts through the journal’s online submission system. The submission must include the manuscript, abstract, keywords, title page, and any supplementary materials.

Submission Confirmation: Upon successful submission, the corresponding author receives an automated confirmation email, indicating that the manuscript has been received.


2. Initial Editorial Screening


Scope and Formatting Check: The editorial office conducts an initial review to ensure that the manuscript adheres to the journal’s formatting guidelines and falls within the journal’s scope. This includes checking for plagiarism, verifying that the manuscript is original and not under consideration elsewhere, and ensuring that it meets the basic criteria for submission.

Desk Rejection: If the manuscript does not meet these preliminary requirements, it may be desk rejected, and the authors will be informed promptly with feedback on the reasons for rejection. Manuscripts that pass this stage proceed to the next step.


3. Assignment to an Editor


Editor Assignment: The Editor-in-Chief assigns the manuscript to an Associate Editor or a member of the editorial board who has expertise in the relevant field. The assigned editor oversees the review process and makes the final recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief.

Conflict of Interest Check: The assigned editor checks for any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from handling the manuscript. If a conflict exists, the manuscript is reassigned to another editor.


4. Peer Review Process


Selection of Reviewers: The assigned editor identifies and invites at least two independent experts to review the manuscript. These reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the subject matter and their ability to provide an objective assessment.

Double-Blind Review: The manuscript is reviewed under a double-blind process, where both the reviewers’ and authors’ identities are concealed to ensure impartiality.

Reviewer Feedback: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript’s originality, methodology, significance, clarity, and overall contribution to the field. They provide detailed feedback and make one of the following recommendations: Accept, Minor Revisions, Major Revisions, or Reject.


5. Editorial Decision


Review of Feedback: The assigned editor reviews the feedback provided by the reviewers and makes a preliminary decision. If the reviews are conflicting, the editor may seek additional reviews or provide their own assessment.

Decision Making: The editor’s recommendation is then sent to the Editor-in-Chief, who makes the final decision on the manuscript. The possible outcomes include:

Accept: The manuscript is accepted as is or with minor revisions.

Minor Revisions: The authors are requested to make small changes before final acceptance.

Major Revisions: The manuscript requires substantial revisions, after which it may be re-reviewed.

Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal.


6. Communication with Authors


Decision Notification: The corresponding author receives an email notification of the editorial decision, along with the reviewers’ comments and any additional feedback from the editor.

Revision Instructions: If revisions are required, the authors are provided with clear instructions on how to address the reviewers’ and editor’s comments. The authors are typically given a specific deadline to submit their revised manuscript.


7. Revision and Re-Submission


Revised Manuscript Submission: Authors submit their revised manuscript through the online system. The revised version must include a detailed response to the reviewers’ comments, outlining the changes made and justifying any areas where the authors chose not to follow specific suggestions.

Second Review (if applicable): For manuscripts requiring major revisions, the revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers for a second round of review. Reviewers will evaluate whether the authors have adequately addressed the concerns raised in the initial review.


8. Final Acceptance and Proofreading


Final Decision: Once the manuscript meets all requirements and revisions are satisfactory, the Editor-in-Chief gives final approval for publication.

Proofreading: Before publication, the manuscript is sent to the authors for final proofreading. Authors are responsible for checking the proofs for any typographical or formatting errors. No substantial changes to the content are allowed at this stage.

Final Approval: After authors approve the final proofs, the manuscript is prepared for publication.


9. Publication


Online Publication: The manuscript is published in the next available issue of Advances in Consumer Research and made accessible online. The journal publishes both print and online versions, with each article assigned a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Promotion and Dissemination: Once published, the article is promoted through various academic channels, social media, and indexing services to maximize its reach and impact.


10. Post-Publication


Corrections and Retractions: If any errors are identified post-publication, or if ethical issues are raised, the editorial office will work with the authors to publish corrections or, in rare cases, retract the article.


This editorial process ensures that Advances in Consumer Research upholds the highest standards of scholarly excellence and contributes valuable research to the academic community.

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