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Advances in Consumer Research (Abbreviated as Adv. Consum. Res.) is a distinguished journal based in the Kuwait Scientific Society operating journal individually. The journal holds a strong reputation within the academic community, particularly in the fields of Business, Management, and Accounting, with a specific focus on Marketing. It also covers areas such as Economics, Econometrics, Finance, and Applied Psychology. The journal boasts an H-Index of 29, reflecting its significant impact and influence in these disciplines.


The primary aim of Advances in Consumer Research is to advance the understanding of consumer behavior by providing a platform for high-quality research that offers theoretical, empirical, and methodological contributions to the field. The journal seeks to explore a wide array of topics related to consumer decision-making, market dynamics, and the psychological factors influencing consumer behavior.


The scope of the journal is broad and interdisciplinary, encompassing research that delves into the nuances of consumer psychology, the economic and econometric models of consumer behavior, and the strategic implications for marketing and management practices. By bringing together insights from diverse academic perspectives, the journal aims to foster a deeper understanding of the factors driving consumer choices and how these insights can be applied to improve business practices and policy-making.


Starting from 2024, Advances in Consumer Research will be released by the Kuwait Scientific Society, with both print and online versions published on a bi-monthly basis. This new publication schedule marks a significant step forward in the journal’s mission to disseminate cutting-edge research to a global audience.

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